Monday, April 18, 2011

The Secret of the Chocolate -> Not Secret Anymore

From this picture, pick one to best describe:

a. Delicious
b. Gorjes
c. Nanges
d. Sentap

Okay, now combine all of the above to ONE. Amacam? Which part of this picture yg buat die tangkap leleh habis? The cake? or the choc? Or both?
- Since I made both, I have to say both la.. hahahaha

Well, actually I made this last nite, erkk.. while watching The Warrior's Way. So, how do I bake the cake - you know already. Now.. how do I do that topping? Like most of my frens & family know, I am NO fan of any sweet things what so eva, but this, I totally can bite!

Actually, the one that I made ni, sangat besh not just to put it as the topping of a cake, but also ; dimakan dengan benda2 lain gak mcm ice-cream, cookie even fruit! Texturenye silky smooth, rasa coklatnye very richy rich, not too sweet and lemak berkrim kompom disukai ramai.

Ramai yg ingat buat chocolate sauce like this susah. Lepas tu pi beli yg ada kat kedai. Heh, lemme break the news bebeh, its as easy as ABC ok. Just use the right ingredients, and put the right amount in it.. taraaaa! 5 minit je boleh siap. Percaya tak? Betollllll... tak tipu punye.. ramai yg beliak2 mata dengar my recipe nih.. tak caye pasal simple giles. Okla.. meh la kasi resepinye, tapi lemme put 1-2 gambo lagi pastu at the end of this post, I give you the recipe okay? Enjoice!

Strawberry Chocolate

.. and with ice-cream!

How to do it? Try to use the suggested ingredients to get the great taste okay?
  • 1 cup susu pekat (any)
  • 60g butter (scs brand)
  • 50g Hershey's Natural Unsweetened Cocoa (serbuk koko brand Hershey's la tu)
  • 1tsp nescafe
Ayakkan serbuk koko dan nescafe. Masukkan semuanya - susu, butter, koko & nescafe dlm satu periuk kecil dahulu, then baru letakkan atas api kecil dan kacau sampai sebati. Semuanya edible just the way it is, so tak payah masak lelame okay. That's it! Happy choco everyone!

P/s : Rasa pelikke gune susu pekat? Dont be. Nescafe akan meng-enhancekan lagi tahap rasa kecoklatannya & menghilangkan sama sekali rasa susu pekat tadi. I promise! Jumlah ni sesuai ntuk sebiji kek berukuran dlm 8 inci. So, kalao rase byk sangat, reducekan bahannye ye. Buat le kekire sedrik.

Tips : kalau coklat terlalu pekat (sepatutnye just nice kalo ikut ukuran di atas) tambahkan susu pekat dan butter lagi. Jgn sampai cair sangat sudey.


  1. aku pun pernah buat coklat pakai koko n susu tapi koko murahan..nnt nk try pakai koko yg ko pakai nih la...

  2. heh, koko brand lain kureng la... kene Hershey's gak


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