Monday, March 28, 2011

Haylow.. Trying loving this site as much as wordpress!

At last I decided to move in here. Hmm.. just a hunch that I might get better doing my blogging here - and of course with uoll's support. hehe..

I'm gonna miss my old blog's design in wordpress, and try to get something similar here, and this one is the nearest they got. Well, not perfect but can do lah. Its late now, need my beauty sleep coz I am off to Hospital Sungai Buluh tomorrow morning for Anyea's check up. Hope everything will be ok. Nitey and later!


  1. And it's easy to comment too! Hehehe

  2. Welcome to Blogspot!!

  3. welcome to blogging life kak julia;)

  4. hehehehehe...tengkiuuuu.. sini senang sikit kalo nak komen ke ape..selalu2lah visit hokkey?


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